Past events


7 December 2015, with Professor Rainer Kleinertz (Universität des Saarlandes): Disseminating the music of Mahler: early performance history and critical responses, 1889-1914CMPS/IMR Performance Research Seminar, Senate House, Malet Street, London.

17 May 2015, Austrian Cultural Forum, London: Different routes to mastery: Elgar and Mahler, an extended talk for The Gustav Mahler Society UK.

2015, Spring  Undergraduate lectures at Middlesex University (Music in the Nineteenth Century course)

2014.04.11 Launch of the new version of the Concert Programmes database at the IAML (UK & Irl) Annual Study Weekend, Birmingham

2014.11.15 Illustrated talk: Life at the Royal College of Music in the 1890s (Elgar Society, Scottish Branch)

2014.06.25  Post-graduate research colloquium: Gustav Mahler: Composing Concerts and Symphonies (Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Universität des Saarlandes)

2014.06.16 Pre-concert talk: Mahler’s Seventh Symphony (Royal College of Music)

2013.11.07 Pre-concert talk: Britten’s Sinfonia da Requiem (Royal College of Music)

2013.10.03 Lecture: One Man’s Britten: A new source for the reception history of the music of Benjamin Britten (Aberdeen Music Research Colloquium, University of Aberdeen)

2013.09.15 Illustrated talk, with Michael Gould: The Bradley Bulletins: One Man’s Britten (Britten’s Centenary, Royal Festival Hall)

2013.08.01 Conference paper: ‘Foremost and unrivalled’: The career of Josef Eberle (1845–1921), lithographer, printer and publisher of music (IAML Vienna 2013)

2013.06.30 Exhibition: Britten: The Student Years, 1930–1933 (RCM Museum; with Paul Collen)

2013.06.28 Round Table Discussion: Britten as Performer (British Library)

2013.06.27 Lecture: One Man’s Britten: the Lionel Bradley Collection at the RCM (Grove Forum, Royal College of Music)

2013.03.08 Talk: Life at the Royal College of Music in the 1890s (Holst Birthplace Museum, Cheltenham)

2013.01.11 Round Table Discussion at the conference  Expressions of Britishness: Music and the Arts in the Twentieth Century (Senate House, London)

2012.12.01 Talk: (with Paul Best): Britten as Performer (Britten Study Day’ Wigmore Hall)

2012.04.02 Talk: Elgar in London (Elgar Society, London Branch)

2011.12.09 Pre-concert Talk: Mahler’s First Symphony (Royal College of Music)

2011.12.01 Lecture: Mahler’s Symphonic Poem in Symphonic Form (Grove Forum, Royal College of Music)

2010.08.17 Conference Paper: Paying for modernism: The Early Business History of Universal-Edition, 1901-1914 (18th Annual Conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, Helsinki)

2010.06.11 Keynote Address: Britten’s progress 1937-45: a view from the stalls (Conference: Britten in Context, Liverpool Hope University)

2009.09.21 Lecture: Capital and classics: the foundation of Universal-Edition in context (University of Aberdeen)

2009.07.09 Conference Paper (with Dr Katy Hamilton): Using Hofmeister: Brahms and Mahler (IAML Conference, Amsterdam)