This page was last edited on 9th February 2025
The Music of Gustav Mahler: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Printed Sources
The following are currently online:
Lieder für Tenorstimme (1880)
Unfinished works
Lost or spurious works
Entries for most are now available
Mahler’s Publishers and related topics
Josef Eberle & Co./Erste Wiener Zeitungsgesellschaft/Waldheim-Eberle
Pflichtexemplaren (Deposit copies)
Josef Stritzko (1861–1908) – Biography and List of Works
Vindobona Collection Catalogue (Universal-Edition)
Supplementary Essays, including
Working Papers, including
As spin-offs I have other projects nearing completion:
“The foremost and unrivalled music engraving business in Austro-Hungary”: Josef Eberle (1845–1921), printer, publisher and manufacturer of manuscript paper (Publication scheduled for 2020)
Promoting Mahler, 1880–1930
(Publication scheduled for 2020)
Mahler in China (1907)
(Publication scheduled for 2020)
The business of music: new perspectives on music printing and publishing in Vienna, 1892–1914 (in preparation)
The Bradley Bulletins (1936-1953) This extraordinary collection of first-hand reports on musical events and broadcasts in Britain were discovered at the Royal College of Music in 2008, and were featured in a Radio 4 broadcast, One Man’s War. Two essays are available on this website (see: Publications – online)
Concert Programmes Database. I have been involved in this project, which seeks to provided online access to collection-level descriptions of collections of programmes in the the UK and Ireland, since its inception at the start of the Millennium. Initially it was funded by a grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (2004-07), but was later supported by IAML (UK & Irl), the Music Libraries Trust and donations.